Nevada uses a demerit point system to track your traffic violations. If you accumulate 12 or more demerit points on your driving record within a year, your license will be suspended for six months.
Points get added to your license based on traffic tickets and certain criminal traffic offenses (such as DUI or reckless driving).
Below is the Nevada DMV point schedule for the most common traffic convictions:
For a complete list, see the official Nevada DMV demerit point schedule.1
1. How does Nevada’s DMV point system work?
The Nevada DMV gives you demerit points whenever you get a traffic ticket. Racking up 12 points in a year triggers an automatic license suspension:
Times you get 12 demerit points in a year | Length of Nevada driver’s license suspension |
1st time | 6 months with a restricted license after 3 months |
2nd time in three years | 1 year with a restricted license after 6 months |
3rd time in five years | 1 year with no restricted license 2 |
A restricted license typically allows you to commute to and from work, school, and doctor appointments. To apply for a restricted license in Nevada, click here.
2. Do all traffic violations carry demerit points?
No. Parking and non-moving violations carry no demerit points. DUIs carry no demerit points because the DMV revokes your license instead.3
3. Can I erase my demerit points?
Demerit points automatically disappear after 12 months.4 You can remove three points early by completing a traffic safety course.
Here are four things to know about traffic school:
- Traffic school that is required as part of a plea bargain does not remove demerit points.
- You may attend traffic school no more than once a year to remove demerit points.
- You should do traffic school after the DMV adds demerit points to your record. Doing traffic school early will not erase points added later.
- Traffic convictions stay on your records after the demerit points disappear. So, you still may face increased insurance premiums.
For a list of Nevada DMV-certified traffic schools, click here.5
4. What if I live out of state and get a ticket in Nevada?
Nevada DMV demerit points disappear after 12 months.
Non-Nevada residents should hire a Nevada lawyer to try to get the traffic charge dismissed or pleaded down. They should also consult with an attorney in their home state to see how the ticket may affect their driver’s license.
For a list of DMVs in all fifty states, click here.
5. What if I live in Nevada and get a traffic ticket from another state?
The Nevada DMV does not give demerit points for out-of-state traffic tickets. (Though the DMV may suspend your license for out-of-state DUIs.)
Nevada residents should hire an attorney in the other state to handle the case. Any conviction will go on your driving record.6
6. Can I stop my license from being suspended for too many demerit points?
You can request a DMV hearing to contest the license suspension.7 Though DMV hearings are difficult to win.
The state’s burden of proof is much lower than the “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard in criminal trials. Therefore, you should consider hiring an experienced DMV attorney to appear for you.
Beware that it is a misdemeanor in Nevada to drive on a suspended license (NRS 483.560). The maximum penalties include:
- 6 months in jail, and/or
- $1,000 in fines
Additionally, the DMV will suspend your license for another six months.8
Further Reading:
See our related articles, Nevada Driving Record – How do I get it and what does it show? and How long do points stay on your license in Nevada?
Legal References
- NAC 483.510.
- NRS 483.473; NV DMV Demerit Point System.
- NRS 484C.400.
- NAC 483.500.
- NRS 483.448.
- Out-of-State Speeding Tickets Follow You Home,” Fox Business (March 15, 2011). , “
- NAC 483.390.
- NRS 483.560.