CRS 42-4-1010 es la ley de tráfico de Colorado que requiere que los conductores conduzcan en el lado derecho de las carreteras divididas o de acceso controlado. Conducir en el lado equivocado (en contra del tráfico) es una infracción de tráfico de clase A, que conlleva una multa civil de hasta $100 y cuatro puntos del DMV. Pero los conductores también podrían enfrentar cargos más graves de conducción imprudente (CRS 42-4-1401), que conlleva tiempo en la cárcel.
La estatua establece:
(1) Cada vez que una carretera haya sido dividida en calzadas separadas mediante la creación de un espacio intermedio o mediante una barrera física o una sección divisoria claramente indicada construida de manera que impida el tráfico vehicular, cada vehículo deberá ser conducido únicamente por la calzada de la derecha, a menos que se le indique o permita utilizar otra calzada mediante dispositivos oficiales de control de tráfico. Ningún vehículo deberá ser conducido sobre, a través o dentro de dicho espacio intermedio, barrera o sección divisoria, excepto a través de una abertura en dicha barrera física o sección divisoria o espacio o en un cruce o intersección establecidos, a menos que esté específicamente prohibido por señales y marcas oficiales o por las disposiciones de la sección 42-4-902.
A continuación, nuestros abogados de defensa criminal en Denver, Colorado discuten:
- 1. ¿Qué hace CRS 42-4-1010?
- 2. ¿Cuáles son las sanciones por conducir en el lado equivocado de una carretera dividida?
- 3. ¿Qué puede hacer un abogado de defensa criminal de Colorado?
- 4. ¿Qué sucede si ignoro la multa?
- 5. ¿Es conducir en contra del tráfico causa probable para una parada por DUI?
- 6. ¿Puedo demandar a un conductor por ir en contra del tráfico?
CRS 42-4-1010 requiere que los conductores de Colorado conduzcan al lado derecho de la mediana en una carretera dividida.
1. ¿Qué hace CRS 42-4-1010?
CRS 42-4-1010 prohíbe a las personas conducir en el lado izquierdo – en contra del tráfico – en carreteras divididas o de acceso controlado en Colorado. Estas son vías de tráfico con una mediana u otro separador destinado a impedir que el tráfico cruce.
En resumen, es ilegal conducir en el lado equivocado de la carretera. Y no importa si no hay autos que se aproximen en ese momento.1
2. ¿Cuáles son las sanciones por conducir en el lado equivocado de una carretera dividida?
Violar CRS 42-4-1010 es una infracción de tráfico de clase A. El castigo incluye multas de $15 a $100 más un pequeño recargo. Además, el DMV agregará cuatro (4) puntos a la licencia de conducir. (Para adultos mayores de 21 años, obtener 12 puntos en un año causará una suspensión automática de la licencia.)2 Como es una infracción en movimiento, los conductores pueden ver un aumento en sus primas de seguro de automóvil.
La policía generalmente detiene y emite citaciones a los conductores que cometen infracciones de tráfico. Como las infracciones son asuntos civiles, no conllevan tiempo de cárcel.
Pero conducir en el lado equivocado de la carretera es extremadamente peligroso, especialmente en carreteras divididas de alta velocidad. Por lo tanto, los conductores sorprendidos violando CRS 42-4-1010 también pueden ser arrestados por conducción imprudente, que es un delito menor de tráfico de clase 2. Una condena por primera vez conlleva:
- Entre 10 y 90 días en la cárcel, y
- Hasta $300 en multas.
Las condenas posteriores conllevan hasta:
- Hasta 6 meses en la cárcel, y
- Hasta $1,000 en multas.
La conducción imprudente también causa ocho (8) puntos de DMV que se agregan a la licencia de la persona. Tenga en cuenta que los titulares de licencias de conducir comerciales enfrentan una suspensión de 60 días de su CLD por cometer dos violaciones de tráfico “graves” en un vehículo comercial en un período de 3 años. La conducción imprudente califica como una de estas violaciones graves.3
3. ¿Qué puede hacer un abogado de defensa criminal de Colorado?
Un abogado de defensa criminal buscará todas las pruebas disponibles, que típicamente incluyen videos de vigilancia, testimonios de testigos presenciales, registros de GPS y reportes del clima. Dependiendo del caso, posibles defensas para luchar contra los cargos de CRS 42-4-1010 incluyen argumentar que:
- Había una situación de emergencia que justificaba que el acusado condujera en el lado equivocado de la carretera. Tal vez un conductor peligroso estaba persiguiendo al acusado, o tal vez una inundación repentina o escombros hacían que conducir en el lado derecho fuera inseguro. El abogado de la defensa intentaría demostrar que cualquier persona razonable en la posición del acusado habría recurrido a conducir en el lado equivocado de la carretera.
- El conductor fue falsamente acusado por otra persona. No es raro que las personas lancen acusaciones falsas a alguien por enojo o venganza. También puede ser posible impugnar la credibilidad del acusador y revelar sus motivaciones para mentir.
- La policía cometió un error. Tal vez las autoridades arrestaron o citaron a la persona equivocada. Aquí, las imágenes de la cámara del tablero servirían como pruebas valiosas para exonerar al acusado.
Tenga en cuenta que no es una defensa que no hubiera tráfico en sentido contrario en el momento en que el acusado conducía en el lado izquierdo de la carretera dividida.
Las personas atrapadas conduciendo en contra del tráfico en Colorado probablemente serán arrestadas por conducción imprudente ya que es muy peligroso.
4. ¿Qué sucede si ignoro la multa?
No pagar una multa de tráfico causará que el DMV suspenda la licencia de conducir de la persona hasta que la deuda sea pagada (generalmente después de un período de gracia de 30 días). Y el tribunal tomará una sentencia por defecto en contra del acusado por la cantidad de la multa impaga.4
(1) A person shall not drive a vehicle onto or from any controlled-access highway except at such entrances and exits as are established by public authority.
(2) A person shall not, unless directed to do so by a police officer, drive any vehicle onto or from any freeway by any ramp or other roadway connecting such freeway with any other highway or any private road or driveway.
(3) A person who violates any provision of this section commits a class A traffic infraction.
(4) This section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(5) The state, any county, or any municipality shall not be liable for any damages caused by any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway.
(6) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(7) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(8) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(9) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(10) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(11) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(12) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(13) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(14) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(15) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(16) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(17) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(18) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(19) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(20) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(21) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(22) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(23) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(24) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(25) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(26) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(27) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(28) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(29) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(30) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(31) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(32) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(33) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(34) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(35) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(36) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(37) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(38) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(39) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(40) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(41) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(42) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(43) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(44) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(45) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(46) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(47) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(48) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(49) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(50) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm, or corporation constructing, maintaining, or using any private road or driveway connecting with any controlled-access highway when such private road or driveway has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction over such controlled-access highway.
(51) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person,
(1) Siempre que una carretera haya sido dividida en vías separadas dejando un espacio intermedio o por una barrera física o una sección divisoria claramente indicada construida para impedir el tráfico vehicular, todo vehículo deberá ser conducido solamente en la vía de la derecha, a menos que sea dirigido o permitido usar otra vía por dispositivos oficiales de control de tráfico. Ningún vehículo deberá ser conducido sobre, a través o dentro de dicho espacio, barrera o sección divisoria, excepto a través de una apertura en dicha barrera física o sección divisoria o espacio o en un cruce o intersección establecidos, a menos que esté específicamente prohibido por señales y marcas oficiales o por las disposiciones de la sección 42-4-902. Sin embargo, esta subsección (1) no prohíbe un giro a la izquierda a través de una isla mediana formada por marcas estándar en el pavimento u otros dispositivos montables o transitables según lo prescrito en el manual estatal de control de tráfico cuando dicho movimiento pueda hacerse con seguridad y sin interferir, impedir o poner en peligro a otros vehículos que usen la carretera de manera legal.
(2)(a) Ninguna persona deberá conducir un vehículo hacia o desde una carretera de acceso controlado excepto en las entradas y salidas establecidas por la autoridad pública.
(b) Donde se haya proporcionado un carril de aceleración en conjunto con una rampa que entra a una carretera de acceso controlado y la intersección de la rampa no esté designada o señalizada como una intersección de alto o ceda el paso según lo dispuesto en la sección 42-4-703(1), los conductores pueden usar el carril de aceleración para alcanzar una velocidad segura para fusionarse con el tráfico en movimiento cuando las condiciones permitan dicha aceleración con seguridad. El tráfico que se fusiona estará sujeto a la regla que rige el cambio de carril establecida en la sección 42-4-1007(1)(a).
(c) Donde se haya proporcionado un carril de desaceleración en conjunto con una rampa que sale de una carretera de acceso controlado, los conductores deberán usar dicho carril para reducir la velocidad a una velocidad segura para hacer un giro de salida después de salir del tráfico principal en movimiento.
(3) El departamento de transporte puede, mediante resolución u orden registrada en sus actas, y las autoridades locales pueden, mediante ordenanza consistente con las disposiciones de la sección 43-2-135(1)(g), C.R.S., con respecto a cualquier carretera de acceso controlado bajo su respectiva jurisdicción, prohibir el uso de dicha carretera por cualquier clase o tipo de tráfico que se considere incompatible con el movimiento normal y seguro del tráfico. El departamento de transporte o la autoridad local que adopte dichas regulaciones prohibitivas deberá instalar dispositivos oficiales de control de tráfico de conformidad con los estándares establecidos en las secciones 42-4-601 y 42-4-602 en los puntos de entrada o a lo largo de la carretera en la que dichas regulaciones sean aplicables. Cuando dichos dispositivos estén en su lugar, dando aviso de ello, ninguna persona deberá desobedecer las restricciones indicadas por dichos dispositivos. Esta subsección (3) no se interpretará como que otorga al departamento la autoridad para regular el uso peatonal de las carreteras de una manera contraria a las disposiciones de la sección 42-4-805.
(4) Cualquier persona que viole alguna disposición de esta sección comete una infracción de tráfico de clase A.