The Pueblo Youth Services Center (PYSC) in Pueblo, CO, provides secure correctional services for up to 27 juvenile detainees and convicted offenders. This detention facility houses male and female juveniles between the ages of 10 and 17. Youth may be detained here for a short time pending the outcome of their case or may be remanded to serve a sentence of up to 45 days for a Colorado juvenile offense.
The Pueblo facility is among 10 residential juvenile detention centers that have been included in Colorado’s 2017 corrections reform movement for youthful offenders. The state is continuing to address issues in juvenile detention, as discussed in this November, 2018 article.
The address and phone number of the Pueblo Detention Center is:
1406 W. 17th St.
Pueblo, CO 81003
Phone: (719) 546-4915
Parents and other family members of children or teens incarcerated in PYSC will find some helpful information below. Our team of Pueblo criminal defense lawyers cover the following important topics:
- 1. Detention Hearings
- 2. Contact with a PYSC Detainee
- 3. Visitation Policies
- 4. Life at PYSC
- 5. Legal Defense for Juveniles
1. First Steps — Intake or Transfer
After a minor is arrested and taken to PYSC, he or she should have a detention hearing within 48 hours. This weekday timeline will be delayed, however, by weekends and/or holidays. So, if your child or teenager is taken into custody on a Friday afternoon, he or she may not have a hearing scheduled until Tuesday.
The Pueblo detention facility is served by the 3rd, 10th through 12th, 15th and 16th judicial districts, which covers 20 counties in South and Southeastern Colorado. A court judge will decide, based on the criminal allegations, criminal record and other factors, whether or not the juvenile can be released. Other options are a temporary hold or transfer to a different facility. In extreme cases (such as a violent felony charge), there can be a transfer to adult court.
2. Family Contact Policies
First, two initial phone calls are permitted when a minor is taken into custody at the Pueblo Youth Services Center. Arrestees can phone a parent or guardian and/or may call a criminal lawyer. If your loved one remains at PYSC, he or she can receive phone calls from family and will be permitted to make local and collect calls on a scheduled basis.
You can also send in mail to your incarcerated child or teen. Correspondence to family is encouraged, and PYSC residents are given postage to allow mailing of two letters a week. Staff will inspect but generally not read incoming and outgoing mail unless a security/safety issue is suspected.
3. Detention Center Visitation
The Pueblo juvenile hall allows visitation by immediate family members, legal guardians, and grandparents. An appointment must be made in advance: call the Pueblo YSC Control Center at (719) 546-4915 or (719) 546-4940.
Visitation days at this facility are every day except Tuesday and Friday. Visiting hours are as follows:
Saturday and Sunday afternoons from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday evenings from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
On a case by case basis, the Pueblo correctional facility may approve special visits at times not listed above.
4. Life for PVYSC Residents
Detainees and residents are provided with three meals a day and additional snacks. They have access to medical care, if needed, including emergency treatment.
Committed youth receive cognitive behavioral programming and educational classes 14 hours a day on weekdays, and also participate in programming 12 hours per day on weekends. Daily recreational activities are also included. Educational needs are serviced by Pueblo City Schools, and PVYSC residents can work toward their diploma or GED.
A risk and assessment is performed on each juvenile and services are provided to increase the chance of post-detention success. Restorative justice is emphasized, with opportunities to give back to the community through service to local agencies.
5. Seek Help from a Lawyer
Legal representation can help ensure your loved one’s criminal case has the best possible outcome. Our team of criminal defense attorneys have years of experience with Colorado juvenile crime, and we can help fight the charges and prevent harsh or permanent consequences. Our lawyers also assist with expunging a juvenile record in Colorado. To receive a free consultation about your child’s case, Colorado juvenile crimes defense lawyers today.