The Alameda County Juvenile Hall is part and parcel of the Alameda County Juvenile Justice Center. It functions as a detention facility and provides rehabilitation for minors who have been arrested for criminal activities. The Alameda County Juvenile Hall is mandated by the Alameda Juvenile Probation Department in compliance with the juvenile laws of the state of California.
With a maximum housing capacity of 299 minors, the Alameda County Juvenile Hall accommodates minors awaiting adjudication. The facility provides the minors a safe environment and other services that promote positive growth necessary for their social skills when they reintegrate back into the community upon release.
Alameda County Juvenile Hall
The minors are offered the following services while detained at the facility awaiting the conclusion of their court proceedings: Educational programs, organized recreation, religious services, and other services volunteered by private citizens and community-based organizations valuable in their rehabilitation process.
The facility is located at
2500 Fairmont Drive
San Leandro, CA 94578 in Alameda County
Below our Oakland CA criminal defense lawyers will explain the following:
- 1. Intake procedure at the Alameda County Juvenile Hall
- 2. How to contact a child
- 3. Visiting procedures and hours at the Alameda County Juvenile Hall
- 4. Rules and regulations on mail correspondence
1. Intake Screening
Once a minor is admitted into the Alameda County Juvenile Hall, he or she is provided with the necessary care and suitable environment with utmost security and control while in custody. Therefore, upon intake, each minor undergoes a strict screening process that entails two major aspects. Primary, is the physical inspection for possession of any illegal items such as drugs or weapons. Secondary, is the medical examination to address any health issues as soon as possible.
Hygiene Supplies
As a standard procedure, all minors detained at the facility are given personal hygiene supplies and are required to practice proper hygiene while detained at the facility. These items are replenished on a regular basis or as they are needed. Also, sharing and recycling of these items for use with other minors are prohibited as part of the hygiene practice enforced by the facility.
When do minors get released?
Typically, minors who are assigned detention at the Alameda County Juvenile Hall are pending adjudication. If not, the minors detained here are awaiting determination whether they will receive in-house detention or other courses of action mandated by the Alameda Juvenile Probation Department.
Other minors may be released after intake procedure to complete probation elsewhere depending on the criminal offense committed. It may be in the comfort of their home with their parents (if rehabilitation is conducive) or in a residential program such as the Camp Wilmont Sweeney under the command of the Alameda Juvenile Probation Department.
2. How to contact a child detained at the Alameda County Juvenile Hall
As required by the law, the minors detained at the Alameda County Juvenile Hall are provided initial access to a telephone to notify their parents and/or legal guardians, as well as their attorneys if they have acquired one. Once communication has been established, all succeeding calls will be charged to the recipient and will require prior approval from the court or the minor’s Probation Officer.
All outgoing calls are monitored for security purposes. Only calls made to the minor’s legal counsel will be given the right to privacy. In essence, communication with your child is restricted in reference to phone privilege. On the other hand, you may contact your child’s Probation Officer to discuss your loved one’s status and progress while in detention.
Each minor has a designated Probation Officer that monitors his or her performance while being rehabilitated at the facility. It is ideal to develop a constant communication and strong relationship with your child’s Probation Officer. This will help utilize the efficiency of the rehabilitation process while your child is in detention.
To contact your child’s Probation Officer, you may call (510) 667-4970 at the Juvenile Detention Facility or call (510) 268-7050 at the Juvenile Probation Center for all general inquiries about juvenile procedures.
NOTE: To receive collect calls, make sure this feature is not blocked from your phone service. You can verify this by contacting your local phone service provider.
3. Visiting procedures and hours at the Alameda County Juvenile Hall
Due to ongoing Covid-19 concerns, in-person visitation has been suspended at Alameda County Juvenile Hall. Virtual visits are allowed daily. For more information and latest updates, call the reception office at (510) 670-4970.
Proof of ID & Security
All visitors are required to show proof of identification upon entering the facility for verification purposes. Only government-issued photo identification is accepted at the Alameda County Juvenile Hall. For security reasons, each visitor that enters the facility will go through a strict screening process that entails passing through metal detectors as part of the standard search procedure.
You cannot bring things for the child
At the end of the visiting hours, visitors are required to vacate the premises and may not return until the next visiting schedule. Visitors are prohibited from bringing anything while conducting their visit with a minor. Exchange of any items with a minor will be grounds for termination of the visit and will result in removal from the premises if prosecution is not applicable.
The possession of the following items while visiting with a minor at the Alameda County Juvenile Hall is prohibited:
- Food and drinks
- Alcohol, drugs, all types of illegal contraband
- Illegal weapons and any object that can be used to harm another person
- Cell phones and pagers
- Handbags, purses, wallets, and others alike
Dress Code for visitors
The Alameda County Juvenile Hall enforces a strict dress code to all its visitors upon arrival to the facility. Visitors are not allowed to wear revealing clothing and/or clothing that is sexually provocative. Clothing with writing or images that pertain to sex, drugs, violence, or gang affiliation is also prohibited.
If a visitor is intoxicated
Anyone who is intoxicated or is under the influence of an illegal substance will not be allowed to visit and will face possible prosecution. The Probation Officer has the right to refuse visiting privileges to anyone that is deemed a possible threat to the security of the minors and the staff of the facility.
4. Rules and regulations on mail correspondence
Mail correspondence is another option to bridge the communication gap between you and your loved ones who are detained at the Alameda County Juvenile Hall. The facility provides the minors the basic items to allow them to correspond with anyone as often as they would like. Hence, these items are among the list of things not allowed be sent in the mail.
All mail is inspected by staff
Consequently, all mail correspondence goes through a standard screening process for security reasons. Each piece of mail is scrutinized for any illegal items. All mail correspondence is reviewed by the staff to determine any continuance of criminal activity or advocacy for escape. Any suspicion will result in non-delivery, disposal, or return to the sender whichever one is applicable. Confidentiality and privacy are restricted to the minor’s correspondence with his or her attorney.
It is important to indicate a return address at all times and provide the complete and correct information of the minor for accurate delivery. All mail correspondence must not exceed (5″ x 7″) in size and must not be mailed in a padded envelope. It must not contain any writings or images that pertain to sex, drugs, or gang affiliation.
Items you may not send
You may not send writing paper, stamped envelopes, postage stamps, pens and pencils, and other items already provided for the minors by the facility in the mail. You may not send any forms of money (cash or check), Polaroid pictures, books, or magazines, subscriptions, and all kinds of packages. These items will not be delivered and will be returned to the sender when mailed to a minor at the Alameda County Juvenile Hall.
How to properly address mail correspondence
General Mailing Address:
Minor’s Name (complete and correct spelling, middle name if applicable)
Juvenile Justice Center
2500 Fairmont Drive
San Leandro, CA 94578