What is the street address and phone number of the Las Vegas Immigration Office?
The United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) has local immigration offices called Application Support Centers throughout the U.S. The Las Vegas Immigration Office is located about 20 minutes from Las Vegas Immigration Court at:
USCIS Local Office – Las Vegas
5650 W. Badura Ave. Ste. 100
Las Vegas, NV 89120
Las Vegas’s USCIS office does not publicize a local phone number. The general number for all USCIS offices is 800-375-5283.
The USCIS local office in Las Vegas services the counties of Clark, Lincoln, Esmerelda, and Nye. The remaining counties in Nevada are serviced by the Reno Immigration Office.
How do I make an appointment with the Las Vegas Immigration Office?
If you want to schedule an appointment with the Las Vegas Application Support Center, you are required to use the USCIS INFOPASS system. You can call 800-375-5283 for more information.
What services does the Las Vegas Immigration Office provide?
The primary service that Las Vegas’s Application Support Center provides is:
- Fingerprinting services (biometrics) after filing of applications for an immigration benefit (based on an appointment)
Las Vegas’s Application Support Center does NOT provide the following:
- information services prior to filing documents
- direct filing of applications
For information about how to check the status of your applications, go to the USCIS services site or call the customer service number at 800-375-5283.